The rest was the typical anti-Obama diatribe I've come to expect in my inbox nowadays.
The piece repeated just about every criticism directed against the president except for the one that insists he's not a citizen of the United States.
By the time I'd finished it, I was tired too. He wore me out.
I've grown really weary of reading this nonsense. Allegations are tossed about without any support. Guilt is made by association. And worst of all, bare-faced lies are told.
That's right; the dweebs -- the ones who put these e-mails together and send them out knowing that they will be sent to friends of friends of friends because it is so easy to forward an e-mail to everyone in an address list -- are big-time liars.
They attribute e-mails composed by nobodies to somebodies because that will lend greater credibility. But that's lying.
They take old e-mails that were only marginally accurate the first time they were sent out and change the names to the politician they currently can't stand. That's lying.
And they deliberately attempt to deceive readers by claiming that some authority backs them up, knowing that most readers won't bother to check it out. That's lying.
I don't even care who's being attacked -- W., the Big O, Nancy, Hillary, Sarah. If you're lying, you're lying. Period.
Then they go the extra step and wrap their lies in patriotism and Christianity. As though that makes the lies acceptable.
And, of course, the media has to be attacked as often as possible. "The lame-stream media" won't tell you this.
Of course not. It's not their job to report made-up fairy tales. And when the reference is to a story with an actual basis, chances are pretty good I've already seen or read it in a major media outlet.
If these media critics had actually read every word or seen or heard every broadcast, then they could talk. But they haven't.
If people want to be mad, fine. Be mad. But for cryin' out loud. Get it right. There's enough to criticize without making stuff up.