Friday, October 8, 2010

A bigot by any other name

Say you knew someone who didn't like blacks or Hispanics just because they were black or Hispanic. You'd probably believe that person was a bigot, not cool.

We're supposed to be enlightened folks these days who wouldn't admit to bigotry, believing it to be unacceptable, except in certain parts of Redneckville, where the unenlightened congregate in small groups to convince themselves of their superiority.

But a couple of incidents this past week show that bigotry can still be socially acceptable, if it's wrapped in the right package.

A letter to the editor appeared in the Star-T that at first blush extolled the virtues of Bill White when compared with the governor of our fair state, Rick "It's amazing what they can do with makeup to hide wrinkles" Perry.

The writer said he was tired of the guv and his tenure in Austin, and he was attracted to White's stance on education.

But, he said, White had three insurmountable problems: the prez, the speaker of the House, and the Senate majority leader. If White were elected, the writer proclaimed, he would probably immediately become an Obama-Pelosi-Reid pawn and lead our fair state into the jaws of ruin.

No evidence was given for this stance. No suggestion was made that White might actually be a person in his own right, capable of making decisions based on his convictions.

Nope. White has a "D" behind his name, so he must be lumped in with a stereotyped belief about Democratic leadership and be denied the governorship. Perry may not be worth anything, but he's better than a Democrat.

Next one of my Facebook "friends" posted a message to the people of a congressional district, of which the FbF (Facebook friend) is not a resident, urging them to vote against the incumbent, a Democrat, because the FbF had read that the incumbent had voted with Pelosi 97 percent of the time.

I challenged that, asking whether FbF knew the congressman, had ever talked to the man about his positions, or even knew what issues the congressman had voted against the party line about. (Hint: They were votes the FbF would have approved of because they support the FbF's values.)

Nope. Didn't know any of that. The Elephants political platform supported all the things the FbF holds dear, and even though not all Republicans fully held to the party line, the FbF was sure that Republican leadership would force any wayward members to conform and vote the "right" way.

Leaving aside that stunningly illogical reasoning, the essence of the argument comes down to one person being on the wrong side -- you know, the one that starts with "D".

Now, unless I'm missing something, believing that one side is superior based on a select set of criteria, lumping all members of another group together and demonizing them based on another select set of criteria, and refusing to judge an individual on the basis of character is pretty much the essence of bigotry.

So apparently being a racial bigot is wrong, but being a political bigot is OK. Yep. I believe I'm missing something.


  1. All Democrats are evil Nazi socialists who regularly commune with Satan himself! They even believe the President was born in the U.S. *gasp* Fox News told me so!

    Speaking of bigots, how many people really hate the President and his supporters, aka Democrats, merely because he is black? I'm betting it's a LOT, but since it's socially unacceptable (outside of Tea Party rallies) to admit such a thing, they throw around buzzwords they've heard on TV or read on Facebook.

    And God forbid you look for any facts or supporting evidence rather than simply copying and pasting whatever comes across your news feed.

  2. All Democrats are evil Nazi socialists who regularly commune with Satan himself! They even believe the President was born in the U.S. *gasp* Fox News told me so!

    Speaking of bigots, how many people really hate the President and his supporters, aka Democrats, merely because he is black? I'm betting it's a LOT, but since it's socially unacceptable (outside of Tea Party rallies) to admit such a thing, they throw around buzzwords they've heard on TV or read on Facebook.

    And God forbid you look for any facts or supporting evidence rather than simply copying and pasting whatever comes across your news feed.
